Miss Monique — DJ Марафон [GROMKOST'] (Progressive House / Deep / Melodic Techno DJ Mix)
За пультом очаровательная Miss Monique! В рамках проекта GROMKOST' Miss Monique is today among world’s fastest rising Progressive House DJs, and probably the most recognised female DJ in this genre in Europe.Unlike most other popular DJs nowadays, who made their name producing rather than mixing, she rose to fame bringing the old school back with her unprecedented conversion of classic radio mixes into the form of YouTube podcasts. #MissMonique #ProgressiveHouse #melodictechno #gromkost Miss Monique https://www.youtube.com/user/DjMissMonique/ https://www.instagram.com/djmissmonique/ https://soundcloud.com/alesia-arkusha https://www.facebook.com/MissMoniqueUA/