Microbes In Human Welfare (Bilingual) Class 12 Ncert Biology l Latha Akula Biology Tutorial l
Hello students this is Latha Akula in this video I have explained about Microbes In Industrial Products in English and Telugu with hand written notes For class 12 Ncert Neet biology Hope you like this video. Topics explained *Microbes In Human Welfare *Microbes In chemicals enzymes and bioreactive agents #microbesinhumanwelfare #MicrobesInChemicalsEnzymesAndOtherBioreactiveAgents #MicrobesInHumanWelfareByLathaAkulaBiologyTutorialClass12NcertNeetBiology #MicrobesInOrganicAcidsProduction #MicrobesInEnzymesProduction #CyclosporinA #Statins