GTA 5 - Saitama vs Ultra Ego Vegeta SUPERHERO BATTLE
Today's video about Saitama against Ultra Ego Vegeta.Whereas Ultra Instinct allows a user's efficiency and power to increase as he continues to evade and counterattack, Ultra Ego allows the user's overall power to increase as they take more damage and delve more into their lust for battle. This is displayed by Vegeta's deeper dive into his Saiyan instincts. Let's see if Saitama can defeat Prince of Saiyans at his strongest form! GTA 5 - Saitama vs Ultra Ego Vegeta SUPERHERO BATTLE Mods: •Gta V Scripts: •Vegeta and Saitama Model: This video tags are ;saitama,saitama one punch man,gta5 mod, gta v mod, gta v,opm,vegeta subscribe to my channel: #gta5 #superherofights #gta5mod #gtavmod #gtav #onepunchman #saitama #dragonballz #dragonball #dragonballsuper #vegeta #ultraego #ultraegovegeta