СПАСАЕМ ОТ УТИЛЯ ВАЗ 2115. Серия 1: сварка-покраска
Telegram: https://t.me/jazbox VK: https://vk.com/jazbox Нельзяграм: @jaz__box YouTube: https://youtube.com/@jazbox _______________________________________ Song from the video: Rap Masked Wolf - Astronaut In The Ocean (MDFlameZ Remix) Taken from the channel: eProves Music License - provided Checked on the website: https://eproves.com Song from the video: Lost Sky - Fearless ptII feat Chris Linton [NCS Release] Taken from the channel: eProves Music License - not provided Checked on the website: https://eproves.com Song from the video: Travis Scott (HVME) - Goosebumps (DZYZ REMIX) Taken from the channel: eProves Music License - Creative Commons Checked on the website: https://eproves.com Song from the video: ORHEYN - LAY LAY (Nippandab Remix) Taken from the channel: eProves Music License - not provided Checked on the website: https://eproves.com