Stockfish 14.1 vs itself in 5D Chess: who will win?
Stockfish 14.1 plays 5D Chess against itself and wins by checkmate to a king from the past for the first time. The engine has some missed 5D wins. PGN: (advantage according to the engine) [Mode "5D"] [Board "Standard"] [Size "8x8"] [White "Stockfish_14.1"] [Black "Stockfish_14.1"] [Result "0-1"] 1. e4 / c6 2. d4 / d5 3. Nd2 / dxe4 4. Nxe4?? (+0.3) {4. ... Qa5+# (+0.8)} / Bf5 5. Ng3 / Bg6 6. h4 / h6 7. Nf3 / Nd7 8. Bf4 / e6 9. h5 / Bh7 10. Bd3 / Ngf6 11. Bxh7 / Nxh7 12. Qe2 / Qa5+# (+0.4) 13. c3 (+0.4) ----------------------------