Caroline Girvan - LIFTED Lower Body Workout - Dumbbell Leg Day | EPIC Endgame Day 7
A comprehensive and intense lower body session to make those hamstrings, quads, glutes and core work hard! All performed at a pace where control of the dumbbell and the movement at all points is paramount. Being aware of your breathe will also allow for greater depth, improved mobility and overall control of each exercise, leading to greater intensity and more load on the muscles. The timer will be on for 45 seconds of work, followed by another 45 seconds of work, before 30 seconds of rest! The staple superset will be RDLs from 2 dumbbells for the first 45 seconds then to only one dumbbell for the next 45 seconds! This superset will appear 6 times during the workout! For this workout you will need a pair of dumbbells, a mat and a chair for bodyweight Bulgarian lunges towards the end! I also use a yoga block to elevate my heels during squats to target those quads that bit more and elevating the front foot during some lunges! But this is not necessary! HEEL ELEVATED SQUATS GOBLET SQUAT X1 DUMBBELL HEEL ELEVATED SQUATS GOBLET SQUAT X1 DUMBBELL STAPLE: RDL x2 DUMBBELLS RDL x1 DUMBBELL DEADSTOP LUNGE KNEEL TO SQUAT (same side) DEADSTOP LUNGE (switch side) KNEEL TO SQUAT (same side) STAPLE: RDL x2 DUMBBELLS RDL x1 DUMBBELL CURTSEY LUNGE CURTSEY LUNGE TO SQUAT (same side) CURTSEY LUNGE (switch side) CURTSEY LUNGE TO SQUAT (same side) STAPLE: RDL x2 DUMBBELLS RDL x1 DUMBBELL STATIC LUNGE LUNGE TO SQUAT (same side) STATIC LUNGE (switch side) LUNGE TO SQUAT (same side) STAPLE: RDL x2 DUMBBELLS RDL x1 DUMBBELL STAGGERED SQUAT (no straightening leg) STAGGERED SQUAT TO LUNGE (same side) STAGGERED SQUAT (no straightening leg) STAGGERED SQUAT TO LUNGE (same side) STAPLE: RDL x2 DUMBBELLS RDL x1 DUMBBELL BULGARIAN LUNGE FORWARD LEAN (same side) BULGARIAN LUNGE FORWARD LEAN (same side) STAPLE: RDL x2 DUMBBELLS RDL x1 DUMBBELL FINISHER! 100 x HAMSTRING LIFT x 1 DUMBBELL Every muscle in the lower body will be feeling alive! And ready for some rest! Let’s feel every rep, every lowering, every lift. And own it!