GTA CW Special Vehicle Guide: BP Dukes (1 of 2)
Welcome to my Special Vehicle Guide for GTA CW! This Video will show you how to obtain the BP (Bullet Proof) Dukes from "Stealing the Show" using a Mission Replay. Where Things Take Place in the Video: 0:15 - 2:45 - Obtaining the BP Dukes from "Stealing the Show" 3:05 - 3:52 - After saving the game, reloading the Save and checking on the BP Dukes to show it off as well as proving the BP Property ***The Method I show in the Video will work for EVERY Platform and Version out there for GTA CW. After passing ANY Story Mission in the game, you're able to use a Mission Replay and replay the Mission at ANY TIME. MOST of the Special Vehicles are obtainable in such a way in GTA CW. To be able to use a Mission Replay and obtain the Special Vehicle in question will always require a Method called the "Chevron Bypass" Method. What this means is pushing the desired Special Vehicle into the Garage with any other Vehicle and then getting out of the Vehicle and walking up to the Garage on foot. The game will have created a DUPLICATE copy of the Special Vehicle you just pushed into the Garage from the Mission and allow you to drive it out of the Garage. At this point, you would drive it back into the Garage whilst canceling the Mission at the same time and if done successfully, Huang will drive the Vehicle fully into the Garage, exit it, walk out of the Garage, the Garage will close down, and then you'll be teleported back to the Cerveza Heights Safehouse inside at the Replay Board. Just exit out of there, exit the Safehouse, and check the Garage. You'll find the Special Vehicle inside, safe and sound! Note that you DON'T ALWAYS HAVE TO push a Special Vehicle into the Garage, either, since sometimes you will already be driving said Special Vehicle from the Mission during a Mission Replay and can just drive it into the Garage whilst canceling the Mission rather than needing to push it into the Garage and creating any duplicate copy. The reason why not ALL Special Vehicles are obtainable on Mission Replays is because you have to either pass OR fail a Mission in a specific way the FIRST time through the Mission in order to keep it. Once a Mission Replay ends, you are teleported back to the Replay Board in the Safehouse so anything Post-Mission wouldn't be possible and if you fail the Mission, you will be teleported to the Replay Board, as well. DO NOT RELOAD your Save DURING a Mission Replay or it will add a Mission Failure to the Stats! If you ever mess something up during the process, CANCEL the Mission Replay before you reload. This quirk is showcased in this Video - Before obtaining any Special Vehicles during a Mission Replay, make sure the Cerveza Heights Garage is completely empty or else the Vehicle you had in their previously will be deleted. There is MANY Safehouses in GTA CW, but there is only 14 total Garages and you are only allowed to store ONE Special Vehicle per Garage! Also note that all of the Special Vehicles featured in this Mission can spawn in slightly different locations. Not only that, but when you punch the doors to get the driver out, you can get a different AI where they will NOT get out and drive away fast. If this happens, you will have to reload and try again! Fun Fact - The BP Dukes is originally AP (All Proof) before storing it in a Garage, however, the DP (Damage Proof), EP (Explosion Proof), and FP (Fire Proof) Properties are deleted after you store it. Also, I want to give a shout out to "Badboyhero" for helping with Custom Thumbnails for my Guide! Here is his Channel in case you want to check it out -