TOP SHOTS! Spearfishing Philippines 2020!
#SpearfishingPhilippines #spearfishingBohol #spearfishingcebu #DogtoothTuna #Blue fin Trevally #maoriSnapper #Grouper #Hammerheadspearguns #gopro Spearfishing/freediving is one the most sustainable way of fishing... an ancient method of getting a fish from the sea by just holding your breath to go underwater and search for a goodsize fish to shoot.. •130cm Hammerhead evolution carbon speargun •Hammerhead Camou Suit •Apnea Suit •Hammerhead Dentex Gloves •Leaderfins •Carbon Fins •Suunto D4i •Rob allen 7.5x170cm shaft •14mm small i.d primeline rubbers Spearfishing philippines Spearfishing philippines 2020 Spearfishing cebu Spearfishing tuna Spearfishing dogtooth tuna Spearfishing king mackerel Spearfishing king mack Spearfishing action Spearfishing Spearfishing/freediving Freediving hammerhead spearguns gopro goprohero6